Bordserviet, 3-lags, 24x24
Vi har et bredt udvalg af servietter til alle tænkelige lejligheder. Her finder du 3-lags servietter i flere forskellige størrelser og farver. Du er velkommen til at kontakte os, så vi kan hjælpe dig i den rigtige retning.
Duni ecoecho Tissue napkin 3-ply
Duni Star stories Tissue napkin 3-ply
Duni Tissue napkin 2-ply
Duni Tissue napkin 2-ply
Duni Tissue napkin 3-ply
Duni Tissue napkin 3-ply
Integrated cutlery/n
Keeps cutlery and napkins protected. Comes with pre-inserted napkin and has space to place cutlery. Quick, safe and easy solution for a high hygiene factor. Includes a white napkin, 33x33cm.
Napkin Duni 1-ply
Tissue Serviet 1-ply
1-lags tissueserviet
Tork Cocktail napkin
Tork Edge Emboss Lunch napkin
Tork Lunch napkin
Tork Soft Cocktail napkin 3-ply
Tork Soft Dinner napkin 3-ply
Tork Soft Lunch napkin 3-ply
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