3M Cleaner spray Special Clean
Activa Steelcare
Fjerner fedtpletter, fingeraftryk og skjolder på rustfrie materialer, f.eks. rustfrie kapper til emhætter, køleskabe, køkkenborde og elevatordøre. Steelcare giver en dyb og smuk finish og mindsker efterfølgende tilsmudsning.
Clax Magic Multi 70C2
Clax Magic Multi is a stain removal product from varying dirt such as makeup, lipstick, ink and curry. The product is designed for use in Professional laundry on most types of textiles. Used undiluted.
Clax Magic Oxi 70E2
Clax Magic Oxi is a stain removal product that effectively removes bleachable stains from coffee, tea, wine, cola, and fruit. The product is designed for use in Professional laundry on most types of textiles. Used undiluted.
Clax Magic Protein 70B2
Clax Magic Protein is a highly concentrated enzymatic stain remover with excellent properties to remove blood, food, grass and other protein containing stains. Ready to use on most types of fabric.
Clax Magic Rust 70D2
Clax Magic Rust is a stain remover for iron and rust stains. The product is designed for use in professional laundry on most types of textiles. Used undiluted.
Kiilto Superquick Spurt
Punktrengøring til alle vandbestandige flader. Fjerner effektivt fedtpletter, f.eks. fingeraftryk. Rengør effektivt stålflader og glas- og spejlflader. Drøjt. Let at anvende. Behøver ikke skylles væk – kun tørres af. Behagelig duft. Ved regelmæssig anvendelse bliver fladen smudsafvisende og antistatisk. Efterlader ingen striber eller grå hinder på glas- eller stålflader. Miljømærket med Svanen. pH ca. 10.
Self-acting specialty product that solves very difficult coatings of rust, erg, cement, mortar and concrete residues on steel, stainless and sanitary ware.
Stain Removal Aceton
Activa frysespray aerosol
Activa frysespray er en stor hjælp ved fjernelse af tyggegummi fra f.eks. tekstiler, gulv og alle frysetålelige flader. Tyggegummiet køles ned, knuses og fejes ganske enkelt op. Activa frysespray er også et hjælpemiddel til at finde elektrisk interferens, kortslutninger i transistorer, modstand m.m. Bemærk! Afbryd elektriske apparater før påføring af sprayen.
Taski Tapi Gum
Frysespray i aerosolform til fjernelse af tyggegummi. Fjerner effektivt, hurtigt og fuldstændigt tyggegummi fra gulvtæpper uden at skade fibrene. CFC-fri.
Trivorex Bucket 10kg
Cooling spray for easy removal of chewing gum. Works by freezing Ready to use
Whiteboard cleaner
The cleaning spray cleans and polishes the surface of your whiteboard.
Opløser og fjerner mugpletter uden skuren. Anvendes på flisefuger, badeforhæng, brusekabiner og andre flader, hvor der forekommer mug, både inden- og udendørs. pH 12.
Inoxol Care
Plejende produkt til rustfrit stål. Udmærket pleje, polering og beskyttelse ved én påføring på alle metalflader, f.eks. rustfrit stål og elokseret aluminium.
KBM Steel
A cleaning agent for use on all stainless steel surfaces eg. fan hoods, refrigerators, kitchen sinks, lift doors etc. Unscented.
Metal Polishing which maintains and protects the stainless steel surfaces. Gives the surface a dirt and water repellent protection.
Special Cleaner Cif
Stålglans, Suma Inox D7.1
Stålglans til køl, frys, transportvogne og andre rustfrie flader. Leveres med sprayhåndtag. pH 6,5-7.
Metalpudsemiddel 3M
Metalpudsemiddel Nilfisk
Furniture Cleaner Le
A water-based protective cream for aniline, semianiline, topcoat, etc. leather. Not for nubuck / suede. Creates protection against stains and sweat.
KBM Pool Area Acid
Effective cleaner for surfactant-free descaling / liming inhibition in and around pools / pools and shower areas. Clean without disturbing the chlorine balance and the function of the cleaning filters around pools / pools. Can be used both manually, skimmed on the surfaces and - or run in a combi machine. For skin, soap and fat deposits, use Pool Area Clean Alkalisk. Contains biodegradable surfactants. Meets the requirements for UHM pH 2.5 in concentrate, 4 in working solution
KBM Pool Area Alkali
Effectively solves skin, soap and grease deposits for area in and around pools, pools and shower area. Clean without disturbing the chlorine balance and the function of the cleaning filters around pools / pools. Can be used both manually, skimmed on the surfaces and - or run in a combi machine. For limescale stains, use Pool Area Clean Acid. Biodegradable surfactants. pH 11.5 in concentrate, 9 in working solution
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