Hand disinfection

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Aklavett Desinfektio
Aklavett Desinfektio
AKLAVETT is a disinfectant wipe saturated with 70% alcohol solution which effectively reduces the risk of bacterially transmitted infections. AKLAVETT also contains glycerin which is moisturizing and therefore does not dry out the skin on repeated use. Easy to carry everywhere The tablecloth is extra large which also makes it perfect to use when cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and objects such as toilet seats, toys, door handles, shopping carts etc. NOTE! Not for open wounds
Antibac desinfektionsserviet
Antibac desinfektionsserviet
En blød og hurtigtvirkende desinfektionsserviet, vædet med en opløsning med en alkoholstyrke på 85 volumenprocent (hovedingrediensen er ethanol). Indeholder fugtgivende glycerin.
DAX Alcogel 85 hånddesinfektion
DAX Alcogel 85 hånddesinfektion
DAX Alcogel 85 er en halvgel, der er sammensat af tre forskellige typer alkohol med ethanol som hovedingrediensen. Alkoholstyrken er 85 volumenprocent. Indeholder glycerin, der betyder, at hudens naturlige fugtighedsbalance opretholdes. Undgå, at produktet kommer i kontakt med tekstiler. Godkendt i henhold til standard EN 1276, EN 1650 og EN 1500.
DAX hånddesinfektion ethanol
DAX hånddesinfektion ethanol virker hurtigt og fedter ikke efter indsmøring. Sammensat af tre forskellige typer alkohol med ethanol som hovedingrediens. Alkoholstyrken er 85 volumenprocent. Indeholder glycerin, der betyder, at hudens naturlige fugtighedsbalance opretholdes. Godkendt i henhold til standard EN 1276, EN 1650 og EN 1500.
Dax Clinical hånddesinfektion
Dax Clinical hånddesinfektion
DAX Clinical er udviklet i samarbejde med den svenske sundhedssektor. Er effektiv mod bakterier, gærsvamp og mange forskellige vira. DAX Clinical har et alkoholindhold på 75 % denatureret ethanol og indeholder to forskellige fugtgivende stoffer med hudplejende egenskaber. Tilpasset klinisk arbejde inden for pleje og omsorg.
DaxHand disinf IPA75
DaxHand disinf IPA75
DAX IPA Hand disinfection is a hygienic liquid hand disinfection consisting of 75 vol% isopropyl alcohol. The product is intended for disinfection of hands and is effective against bacteria and certain viruses. Contains glycerin that moisturizes the skin.
Deb hånddesinfektionssystem
Deb hånddesinfektionssystem
Alkoholbaseret skumhånddesinfektion med fugtgivende ingredienser. Anvendes uden vand. Fjerner 99,9 % af de hyppigst forekommende bakterier på kun 15 sekunder. Opfylder standarden EN 1500.
Disinf IC SoftCare
Disinf IC SoftCare
High-efficiency foamy hand disinfection with a refreshing scent. Alcohol and Triclosan free.
GipDes hand desinfec
GipDes hand desinfec
GipDes is a non-alcoholic hand disinfectant that provides effective protection against bacteria and viruses. Has a pH close to the skin and contains skin care products. Not fire rated. The active substances are tested against bacteria and viruses according to EN 1276 and DIN EN 14476. GipDes Hand Disinfection / Alcohol-free is efficacy tested against COVID-19 in a Swedish laboratory. Apply 1.5 ml of the product to the palm of the hand with a cupped hand. Rub all parts of the hands until the product has dried. Drying time 30–60 seconds.
Hand Sanitizer Plum3
Hand Sanitizer Plum3
Disinfection gel (ethanol-based 85%) with lubricating properties. Contains 6% IPA. Provides effective hand disinfection in conjunction with patient care work in hospitals and healthcare units.
Hand Sanitizer Steri
Hand Sanitizer Steri
Ethanol-based hand disinfection without thickening agent. Art no 5107 is used for entrance machines and jobs where a lot of hand disinfection is used. 80% w / w, 85% v / v alcohol. Meets the requirements of EN 12791 and EN 1500.
Hand disinfection St
Hand disinfection St
A hand disinfection in gel form based on ethanol that kills microorganisms on the skin.
Handsanitizer Foam D
Handsanitizer Foam D
The world's first virucid foam hand disinfection with 1.5 ml OPTIDOSE ™ foam pump for use in hygienically sensitive environments contains 80% ethanol. Perfume-free and dye-free, hypoallergenic, alcohol-based hand disinfection Used without water and kills 99.999% of most common bacteria. Spreads quickly and easily over the hands and leaves no sticky surface on the skin Contains moisturizing agents that help prevent dry skin. Meets EN 1500 - EN14476 - EN12791 - EN1276 - EN13727 and more. See product sheet for more information
Liv hånddesinfektion 75
Liv hånddesinfektion 75
Ethanolbaseret håndsprit. Produktet er effektivt mod bakterier, svamp, skimmelsvamp og virus. Velegnede anvendelsesområder er plejesektoren, daginstitutioner, veterinærpleje, laboratoriearbejde og fødevareproduktion.
Liv hånddesinfektion IPA 62
Liv hånddesinfektion IPA 62
IPA 62 er en isopropanolbaseret håndsprit, som anvendes til at forebygge og forhindre mikrobiologisk smittespredning via hænder. Glimrende til anvendelse inden for eksempelvis pleje- og omsorgssektoren.
Liv hånddesinfektion, Gel 85
Liv hånddesinfektion, Gel 85
Gel 85 er en ethanolbaseret håndsprit af geltypen, som anvendes til at forebygge og forhindre mikrobiologisk smittespredning via hænder. Glimrende til anvendelse inden for pleje- og omsorgssektoren.
Liv hånddesinfektionsservietter
Liv hånddesinfektionsservietter
Et godt alternativ til desinfektion på flaske til anvendelse inden for pleje- og omsorgssektoren. Let at tage med sig. 250 individuelt pakkede servietter pr. karton.
SURE Handdesinfektion
SURE Handdesinfektion
Soft Care Des E
Soft Care Des E
Soft Care Des E Spray is a thin liquid hand disinfectant and formulated for spray dosing. The product contains ethanol 715 g / l corresponding to a weight percentage of 71.5%, which meets the requirements of the authorities. Soft Care Des E Spray is documented effective against a large number of microorganisms according to several EN tests - it is also documented effective against viruses such as Coronavirus according to EN14476, which is recommended by the authorities. The product contains grycerol, to prevent dehydration of the skin.
Tork Hand Sanitizing Alcohol Foam
Tork Hand Sanitizing Alcohol Foam
Tork Hand Sanitizing Foam Non Alcohol
Tork Hand Sanitizing Foam Non Alcohol
Tork Hand disinfecti
Tork Hand disinfecti
Dry Liquid Hand Disinfection with 80% (v / v) denatured alcohol is effective and ideal for hand cleaning when no water is available. It is unscented, leaves no sticky residue on the skin and has moisturizing properties that protect the hands, even with frequent use. Effective against a variety of problematic organisms - meets the requirements of EN 1500, EN 12791 and EN 14476 (completely virus-killing). Certified easy maintenance and intuitive filling in less than 10 seconds. The bottle can be recycled and shrinks as it is used, which reduces the volume of waste
Tork Salubrin Gel
Tork Salubrin Gel
Tork Salubrin Gel Hand Disinfection contains 70% (v / v) denatured alcohol according to WHO recommendations. Ideal for hand cleaning where soap and water are not available. Meets the requirements for EN14476, EN1500, EN1276 and EN1650. Stand-alone pump bottle for flexible placement.
Tork hånddesinfektion
Hånddesinfektion af høj kvalitet i forskellige størrelser og både i gelform og som skum.
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